10-0-2 Lawn Food is the Right Mix

The appearance and health of an athletic field or turf area is almost as important as who is playing on it. The lawn underfoot of sports players can affect performance and can be impactful in the prevention of injuries. Any good turf manager knows how important lawn food can be to the health and appearance of a field. One wrong selection can destroy years of maintenance and care. However, the right choice can make a turf managers job easier. A healthier lawn does a much better job of sustaining itself, thereby requiring less intervention in the way of chemicals and enhancements. One excellent product for all turf managers is 10-0-2 Lawn Food sold by Tech Terra Environmental. This product contains Crabgrass Prevention and is a very effective fertilizer without the use of harsh chemicals.

Natural Grass is Better than Artificial Turf

It is becoming more widely accepted that green spaces are actually beneficial for our overall health. Spending time around natural grass and plants can lower blood pressure and reduce negative feelings associated with stress, anxiety, and fear. In addition to all these benefits, a grass field requires less maintenance time than an artificial surface. Soil and grass can absorb and recycle liquids and fluids, food, and other detritus like leaves. A fake field, however, needs to have all those items physically removed from the surface. Depending on the size of the field, this can be extremely time consuming. Lastly, repairing damaged areas is much simpler with a lawn than it is with turf. Grass can easily repair itself and can therefore stand up to a lot more wear and tear. An entire artificial turf surface will need to be replaced after significant wear. In summary, grass is better.

Natural Grass is Better in Other Ways Also

Aside from the maintenance view on the grass versus turf argument, there is the performance aspect. There have been many studies done on the amount and severity of injuries of players playing on turf versus grass. Many of them have found slight to significant increasing numbers of injuries in turf played football games versus natural grass. Plus, as Project Evergreen points out, “2,500 sq. ft. of turf (grass) releases enough oxygen for a family of four to breathe.” That is a tough benefit to ignore. Lastly, construction costs for synthetic turf commonly is higher than construction costs for a natural grass field.

There is a lot that 10-0-2 Lawn Food Does Not Have

Many products nowadays boast all the things that aren’t in the product over what is. 10-0-2 Lawn Food can easily join this group. For one, this lawn food does not contain any harsh ingredients. It is plant-based and also does not include manure or biosolids. One last thing this Branch Creek product does not include is Synthetic Phosphorous so can be used in areas where phosphorous use is banned. 10-0-2 doesn’t have so many things that there are no re-entry restrictions after application because it is so safe. Plus, it can also be used during seeding due to its lack of harmful ingredients. It’s so safe it doesn’t affect seed germination. On the label, 10-0-2 Lawn Food is “derived from corn processing food waste and is blended with processed corn gluten meal and boasts our patented plant protein technology.” It doesn’t get much better than that.

The Choice for 10-0-2 Lawn Food is Clear

10-0-2 Lawn Food with crabgrass prevention section of label magnified off of product bag which is on a picture of green lawn being mowed

There will always be proponents of artificial turf. As with any argument, there are two sides to every story. There very well may be situations where synthetic grass is appropriate. However, when it comes to sports fields, where people gather, and kids play, there is no replacement for natural grass. When you want a lush, green playing surface, you can trust 10-0-2 Lawn Food. There is nothing harmful inside. It is so safe that the EPA does not require it to register with them giving it a FIFRA 25(b) Exemption. Apart from all the benefits we covered, we feel it would be a mistake not to mention the sense of pride a turf manager gets in the proper care of their field. Close attention and care can result in a lush healthy field that is not just pleasurable to look at, but fun to play on too.