Chimney Service in Red Bank is a Necessary Service

Anyone who has ever owned a home knows how much work they require. It seems like every season, every week, every day there is something that needs to be cleaned, repaired, updated, or maintained. Depending on your preferences and your home, chores that are imperative to some, may not be as important for you. One home task that should never be skipped for any home that has a working fireplace or wood-burning stove is chimney service. The use of a fireplace provides so much to a home in cold weather, but without proper care, it can destroy your home. The dangers of an uninspected fireplace are many. From broken parts to built-up creosote, scheduling annual chimney service in Red Bank is a must to keep your chimney and home protected.

How to Know Who to Hire

Because an unkempt chimney can be so dangerous, it is crucial to only have your chimney service in Red Bank performed by professionals. Even though it is easy to find instructions on how to do it yourself, hiring an expert chimney sweep is highly recommended. If you are unsure of which companies in your area perform chimney cleaning, check with the National Chimney Sweep Guild. Members receive continuing education, have access to industry events, and promote “safety, education, business development, and advocacy for the chimney and venting industry.” Hiring just any company that claims to be able to clean chimneys puts your home and family at risk of an unprofessional job leading to a chimney fire. Do the right thing and have your chimney in Red Bank serviced by industry experts.

Chimney Service in Red Bank Protects Your Home

Chimney service in Red Bank helps keep flames from shooting our of your chimney

One of the biggest dangers of chimney use is the build-up creosote. A natural occurring by-product of burning wood. It is highly flammable and should be cleaned out of your chimney on an annual basis. Even with proper chimney care and appropriate fuel use, creosote is unavoidable. No matter what you do, what you burn, or how much or little you use your fireplace, your chimney will eventually have a coating of creosote. This black, tarry substance is one of the leading causes of chimney fires. Dangers like this make Chimney service in Red Bank a necessity.

In addition to the obvious dangers of your chimney catching fire, having pros inspect your chimney annually helps protect it from damages. The sooner you identify a problem within your chimney system, the better. Minor impairments that could be fixed easily can turn into major damages that can lead to extensive and expensive repairs. Broken and missing chimney caps, cracks in the flue, and brickwork issues are all common problems that chimney companies run across regularly and can drastically affect the effectiveness of your chimney. An ineffective chimney is a danger to all.

Other Home Maintenance Tasks That Shouldn’t be Skipped

Most items only function at their best when they are clean. This is why cleaning and repairing items in the home is so important. When things don’t work just as they are supposed to, bad things can happen. As we already discussed, if you don’t have your chimney cleaned every year, it can lead to a chimney fire.

Cleaning out your gutters regularly is another chore that seems like it wouldn’t be a terrible idea to skip. It is dirty, messy, and dangerous. However, not doing it can lead to leaks in your roof, ruined landscapes, and damaged hardscapes.

Routine HVAC maintenance is another job that should be done regularly. Any blockage or damages within this system can potentially lead to overuse and increased wear and tear. This can cause you to have to replace your system earlier than intended. It can also leave you in the heat or cold with no relief when you need it most.

Checking your dryer vent is another step that helps to protect your home from fire. Lint left to accumulate inside your dryer venting can combust and cause a fire easily. While many other home tasks should be done by a professional, you can easily snake out your dryer vent yourself. Ensure you keep your family and belongings safe with simple home cleaning chores.

Protect Your Home with Chimney Service in Red Bank

Calling to schedule an appointment for annual chimney service in Red Bank doesn’t require too much effort. Find a reputable company and place a call. Another super simple step that all homeowners should be doing, regardless if they have a chimney or not, is checking your smoke and carbon monoxide detectors. Changing batteries regularly should be on everyones check list. Carbon monoxide is not detectable by smell or sight. It is totally invisible and the only way to know if it is in your home is with a detector. Like creosote, CO gas is naturally produced when you burn fuel. Damages and broken chimney parts can render your chimney ineffective at removing this dangerous gas from your home. Thankfully, appropriate detectors and yearly chimney service in Red Bank go a long way in protecting your home and family from hidden dangers like creosote and Carbon Monoxide.