10 Incredible Things You Didn’t Know About Your Dog

dog-boarding-njWhen you work in Dog Boarding NJ, you get to meet a huge array of dogs. Dogs of every type, every breed, every personality. It’s a real treat!

But despite meeting so many dogs, sometimes our canine friends still surprise us. Take a look at these 10 amazing facts about dogs and we bet they will surprise you, too.

  1. Their Pee Can Corrode Metal – The acids in your dog’s urine are so strong, over time they can corrode metal. Many cities have had problems with corroding sign posts thanks to this!
  2. Dalmatians Are Not Born With Spots – Despite what you might think, when Dalmatians are born, they are completely white! Their distinctive spots don’t develop until they grow a older.
  3. Dogs Are Smarter than You Think – Everyone knows dogs are pretty smart, but they might be smarter than we realize. Most dogs are about as smart as a two-year-old human child, and smart breeds like border collies can understand up to 200 words!
  4. They Can See In The Dark – Dogs have a special eye membrane called the tapetum lucidum which allows your dog to see in the dark. And get this: they realize you can’t see in the dark, which is why they’re more likely to get into trouble when the lights are off! This is why you need dog boarding in NJ!
  5. Dogs Can Smell Sickness – Dogs boast a sense of smell 100,000 times more powerful than ours. It’s so powerful they can smell the organic compounds that are released when we are sick. Because of this, researchers are now trying to figure out if dogs can be used in medical diagnoses.
  6. Dogs Don’t Have Many Taste Buds – Dogs will eat just about anything, no matter how gross, in part because they only have about 1,700 taste buds. By contrast, you have about 9,000. So yeah, when they eat from the litter box, now you know why.
  7. Dogs Have Dreams – When your dog gets all twitchy during sleep, yes, he or she is dreaming. Dogs go through the same sleep cycles we do – ask someone who does dog boarding in NJ and they’ll confirm this – including the REM (rapid eye movement) sleep that is usually accompanied by dreams.
  8. They Also See in Color – It’s a myth that dogs only see in black and white. In fact, it’s believed that dogs mostly see in blues, greens, yellows, and greys.
  9. Dogs Have “Nose” Prints – Dogs have unique fingerprints, just like you and I do, only they’re on their noses rather than their paws. Yep, a dog’s nose print is completely unique and can be used as identification.
  10. They Don’t Sweat – Dogs only sweat through the pads of their feet. That’s why they pant to keep themselves cool, and it’s why it’s so important to always provide them with fresh water.

Dogs are fantastic friends and companions, and there is so much to say about them! As people who do NJ dog boarding, it’s a subject near and dear to our hearts!